Saturday, June 6, 2009

Is Noise a neglected? Detrimental environmental pollutant

By Eric Sindabi and Moraa Obiria

Although Noise is a common environmental pollutant which turns hazardous with time and period, little attention has been given to it.

Noise pollutant, also known as ;( environmental noise), is caused by human or machine created sound disruptions that alter activity or balance of human or animal life.

The term ‘noise’ comes from a Latin word- ‘noxia’ that literary means to ‘injure or hurt.’

The major sources of noise pollution include; Transport industry or Motor vehicles, Industry, Aircraft and House-hold. Others include; alarms, sirens, Military, people and public activities like religious gatherings in residential quarters and entertainment spots.

Many people, governments and not withstanding environmental stake holders however have never come to the reality about the negative effects of noise to life and the legacy of this environmental pollutant.

Indeed in many countries of the world, until the mid 70’s, noise was neither recognized by law nor by society as a major environmental issue.

Soon or later some governments and major cities and urban centers started enacting by-laws that aimed at mitigating the effects of noise.

According to recent environmental research reports, it is estimated that in the next couple of years, at least 50% of of urban dwellers will run a risk of contracting health complications as a result of noise pollution.

Research has both shown that noise pollution has both health and behavioral effects to both humans and animals- both physiologically and psychologically.

Noise for example can cause annoyance, aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, Tinnitus, hearing loss, and sleep disruptions.

Such effects like stress, tinnitus, and hyper tension, the source says, can lead to further health complication. For example Tinnitus a condition where there is a continuous noise in ears, can cause severe depression, forgetfulness and panic.

In the Kenyan constitution, noise has been treated as a mere nuisance but no concrete constitutional law clauses has attempted to hint on the negativity of noise or an environmental hazard in a country where lack of sustainable environmental policies laws are non-existent. Pundits believe that, the noise hazard phenomenon will remain illusive for along time.

Luck of proper planning of cities and other urban centers is one great cause of noise pollution, while our local governments have failed to enact ordinances related to noise pollution.

Environmental pundits hint that the government should work towards enacting a noise control act, while individual local governments should enact by- laws that will mitigate noise pollution.

Urban centers should also be planned well in a manner to minimize the effects of noise pollution. These will see towards ensuring that residential areas, commercial, administrative areas industrial areas and heavy traffic roads are properly located and distinguished.

The Law Society of Kenya , Environmental and health stake holders should work towards enlightening the government and Kenyan citizens on vast issues concerning noise pollution.

For example campaigns against noise pollution and activism can come in place. Constitutional amendments to cater for health complications related to noise pollution and strict environmental protection can work towards mitigating the effects of noise pollution.

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